Here was my plan for this past week and how I actually did.
6th Monday 3 miles actually completed 3
7th Tuesday 5 miles actually completed 5
8th Wednesday 5 miles actually completed 5
9th Thursday rest actually completed 4
10th Friday rest rest
11th Saturday RACE (5K) actually completed 3.1
12th Sunday 4 rest
Total Miles = 20.1 Total Completed: 20.1
Blue represents the days I met or exceeded my goal. I switched my rest day but I made it for the week. Woo-hoo!
Here is the Plan for this week.
13th Monday rest
14th Tuesday 5 miles
15th Wednesday 5 miles
16th Thursday 5 miles
17th Friday rest
18th Saturday 3 miles
19th Sunday 2 miles
Total Miles: 20
yeah for meeting your mileage for the week! :D