Thursday, September 2, 2010

Three Things Thursday and a Recipe

Three Things Thursday

1. Food Day – Today at work, we had a food day for all of the September birthdays. With my new direction on eating better, guess where they decided to put all of the food? The desk right next to me. There is a veggie tray, so it’s not all bad. I’ve snacked on that mostly. I also brought my lunch/snacks to work as normal. I should have made something healthy and delicious. Instead, I skipped the healthy, and just made the delicious. My hubby asked me last week to make a certain dessert again, so I decided to make that and keep a batch at home. Check out the goodness here.

2. Do One Thing – A while back, my work launched a ‘Do One Thing’ idea. Basically it encouraged all associates to do one healthy thing each day. For some reason, I’ve been thinking about it a lot lately. Even on my rest days, I need to at least do one thing that is better for me than what I would normally do. One of the things I’ve done is to take the stairs instead of the elevator. I only work on the second floor, so if I don’t have too much baggage with me, I will take the steps instead of the elevator.

3. I am SO ready for this weekend! Life has been busy, busy, busy and I am ready for some down time. I think the hubby and I are going to try and go relax at the pool on Saturday and possibly even Monday. Praise God for 3+ day holiday weekends!

I have been making this breakfast treat for a few weeks now (not every day) and I really like it! If you think of any ways to improve it, be sure to let me know!

Banana Nut Bread Oatmeal

1/3 cup dry oats
1/3 cup water
1/3 cup 100% pineapple juice (or 100% apple juice)
1 medium banana, sliced and divided
2 tbs chopped walnuts or pecans

Mix all ingredients except the banana and stir. Take half the banana, slice it in to the mixture and stir. Heat and stir again. The bananas should mix in with the rest of the oatmeal. Top with the remaining half of the banana slices and enjoy!


  1. That banana bread sounds delicious! :]

    And I actually avoid the stairs at all costs, as lazy as it sounds, but stairs really do a number on these knees! Especially when it comes to multiple flights of stairs!

  2. people brining food to work is the worst! I was a teacher for two years and there were ALWAYS baked goods in the teachers lounge for us!!! of course I was always stressed out and needed to eat everything offered, and it really took a toll!


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